Patient ID: 00123456789
Name: Carlos Rodriguez
Age: 35
Condition: Nanite Overload Syndrome (NOS)
Cause of Death: Organ failure due to unregulated nanite activity
Lacking Reagent(s): Nanite Regulation Peptide (NRP-7)

Attention, Ilya. This is Klinika's automated death alert system.

A fatality has occurred in our facility. Patient Carlos Rodriguez, suffering from Nanite Overload Syndrome, has passed away due to organ failure resulting from the absence of critical pharmaceutical reagents.

The required reagent(s) not available at the time of this incident were: Nanite Regulation Peptide (NRP-7).

Please acknowledge receipt of this alert and take appropriate action. Further details can be accessed via your authorized Klinika interface.


Klinika's automated systems will now proceed with standard post-mortem protocols.