Dossier ID NAPD-2137-AKIMI
Name Akimitsu Miyamoto (alias "Razor")
Date of Birth 05/18/64
Place of Birth New Angeles, Esmeraldas District
Height 5'9"
Weight 170 lbs
Hair Black (dyed red)
Eyes Brown
Distinguishing Features Scar running vertically along left cheek; tattoo of a crow on right forearm
Aliases Razor
Affiliation 烏組
Role within Organization Shatei (lieutenant) under Akihiko "Blackwing" Suzuki
Criminal History - Arrested for street racing and reckless endangerment (2015)
Known Associates - Karasu-gumi members: Kaito, Yumi, Hana
Last Known Address 1245 Southside Ave, New Angeles (abandoned)
Current Status At large; considered armed and dangerous
Notes Known to carry a concealed weapon (likely a Streetsweeper)
Suspected of using disinformation and provocation tactics to incite violence
Has ties to the undercity street racing scene, may use this connection for recruitment or intelligence gathering

Case History:

Investigating Officer: Lt. Maria Rodriguez, 549th Precinct, Esmeraldas District

Case Status: Open