Category Details
Program Header
Name SEA_Waiver_Auth_v2045.12.31.αβγ
Version 2045.12.31.αβγ
Creation Date 2178-06-15T09:32:12Z (ECT)
Author SEA Systems Development Team
Program Description A complex executable designed to run on SEA systems, facilitating beanpods equipped with the memchip to bypass routine inspections while maintaining safety protocols.
Core Modules
Waiver Activation Module Activates the waiver upon detection of an authorized beanpod.
Input: Beanpod ID (unique identifier)
Output: Waiver status (active/inactive)
Inspection Bypass Module Temporarily disables routine inspections for the authorized beanpod.
Input: Waiver status (active)
Output: Inspection protocol override
Safety Protocol Module Ensures that dangerous cargo is still detected and flagged, maintaining Beanstalk safety.
Input: Beanpod contents scan data
Output: Dangerous cargo alert (if applicable)
Authorization Database Interface Communicates with the SEA's internal database to verify beanpod authorization status.
Inspection Protocol Controller Temporarily suspends routine inspections for authorized beanpods while maintaining safety protocols.
Program Flowchart 1. Beanpod approaches Beanstalk.
2. SEA system scans beanpod ID.
3. Waiver Activation Module checks authorization status in the Authorization Database Interface.
4. If authorized, activate waiver and proceed to step 5; otherwise, follow routine inspection protocol (step 6).
5. Inspection Bypass Module temporarily disables routine inspections for the beanpod while Safety Protocol Module remains active.
6. Beanpod proceeds up or down the Beanstalk without further inspection.
Security Measures - The program is not encrypted but requires authorization from SEA systems to function.
- Excessive use of the waiver will trigger an alert and potential system shutdown.
- Accessing SEA's internal systems to gather information on this program requires physical access to their corporate offices (Ad Astra Arcology).
Dependencies - SEA internal network
- SEA authorization database
- Beanstalk inspection protocols